ADOPT invites applications for Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) which are institutional visits aiming to support individual mobility, fostering collaboration between individuals participating in the Action.
STSM shall respect the following criteria:
An STSM Grant is a fixed financial contribution that takes into consideration the budget request of the applicant and the outcome of the evaluation of the STSM application. STSM Grants do not necessarily cover all expenses related to undertaking a given mission. A STSM Grant is a contribution to the overall travel, accommodation and meal expenses of the Grantee.
The calculation of the financial contribution for each STSM shall respect the following criteria:
The following scoring system is currently used for the approval of the STSMs:
More details can be found in COST Vademecum.
COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.
ADOPT will establish an interdisciplinary network of experts currently involved in the detection of bioaerosols using both existing methods as well as upcoming technologies such as real or near real-time technologies from atmospheric chemistry and physics or eDNA methods used in molecular biology.
Chair: Prof Carsten Ambelas Skjøth
Vice-chair: Dr Branko Sikoparija
Grant Holder Scientific Representative:
Dr Tina Santl-Temkiv
Grant Holder Financial Representative: Emilia Alegria
STSM coordinator: Dr Lenka Hájková
ITC CG Coordinator: Dr Lukasz Grewling